Recent CIRMMT grants

Several major grants have been awarded to CIRMMT members over the past year, making possible the establishment of new cutting-edge audio and music research laboratories.

Same Song, Different Meaning

McGill neurologist Robert Zatorre's research is cited in an article exploring the neuropsychology of music. "...When Zatorre asked people to listen to their favorite pieces of music as he ran brain scans on them -- people selected whatever kinds of music sent chills down their spine -- he found that music activated very ancient parts of the brain." Washington Post

CIRMMT students participate in Spark Festival 2009

The Digital Orchestra Project was presented at the Spark Festival of Electronic Music and Arts in February 2009. Festival participants included current CIRMMT students Erika Donald and Xenia Pestova. Xenia performed former CIRMMT student Bryan Jacob's piece "Song from the Moment."