Recent CIRMMT grants

04 Octobre 2004

Several major grants have been awarded to CIRMMT members over the past year, making possible the establishment of new cutting-edge audio and music research laboratories.

Isabelle Cossette has recently been awarded a Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) New Opportunities grant in order to establish a respiratory laboratory at McGill's Schulich School of Music. This will include an optoelectronic plethysmograph which will allow breakthrough respiratory measurements and studies on musicians' breathing that have not yet been done because of the lack of technology.

Ichiro Fujinaga was awarded the CFI New Opportunities grant (valued at $597,748), for a five-year project: "Distributed Digital Music Archives and Libraries." Gary Scavone has also recently been awarded a CFI New Opportunities grant, valued at $440,000. The project title is "Measurement and Development Tools for Computational Acoustic Modeling of Music Instruments and Sounding Objects."

A CFI on-going New Opportunities grant was awarded to Marcelo Wanderley (valued at $499,490) for the project: "Quantitative Assessment of Performer-Instrument Interaction: Applications to Gestural Control of Sound Synthesis and to the Design of New Musical Instruments." This grant will allow the establishment of a research laboratory on Human-Computer Interaction in Music, consisting of a high accuracy 3D movement tracker, several video and audio workstations and various controllers, electronics equipment and sensors/devices for the design and evaluation of new interfaces for musical expression.