Claude Cellier: "Trust your ears! The quest for the optimum (digital) audio representation"

A Distinguished Lecture by a guest from Merging Technologies, Switzerland

The lecture will take place in TANNA SCHULICH HALL, followed by a wine and cheese reception in the lobby of the Elizabeth Wirth Building.


The presentation will review some of the formidable changes the audio industry underwent over the last couple of decades with a focus on the challenges that still lie ahead of us, as the human ear somehow remarkably seems to behave beyond the commonly accepted limits of the auditory model. While audio capture, storage and reproduction systems get closer and closer to measurable transparency, there still seems to be an elusive part that remains unmeasurable and defies basic Cartesian engineering. Further research in the subtleties our auditory system is able to discern is highly welcome if we want to narrow the gap between certainty and guesswork.


Claude CellierClaude Cellier, President & CEO of Merging Technologies

Born near Lausanne, Switzerland in 1955. Graduated from the Institute of Technology of Lausanne as electrical engineer in 1980. Held several marketing, engineering and management positions at Nagra Kudelski. There he managed all time code-based projects including marketing, development and sales. Tape recorders like the Nagra T-Audio (more than 1100 units sold) or the portable IVS-TC were based on his innovative vision. Claude has always believed that a successful product should be based on an integrated approach of the market and its future needs—an approach that addresses technological constraints with a marketing and sales awareness. During this time he also served as secretary for the Swiss AES section as well as Workshop chairman for the 1986 Montreux 80th AES Convention.

Upon leaving Kudelski, in 1990, when he founded Merging Technologies, his passion for audio gave temporary way to develop an “all-in-one” video solution for the Commodore Amiga users. Claude also invented and developed the Patented Lossless Realtime Coding compression technology (working together with the Institute of Technology at Lausanne), still considered as a seminal landmark in the field of Lossless Audio Compression. As CEO of Merging and chief designer of the hardware and system design for the Pyramix Virtual Studio, he developed and brought to market several generations of high performance DSP cards. In the early 2000s his interests focused towards ultra-high definition audio systems inventing and bringing to market the DXD (Digital eXtreme Definition) range of products in collaboration with Philips for DSD recording and SACD production and mastering.
More recently he was active in the design and architecture of the RAVENNA/AES67 Audio-over-IP Networked Audio converters, with well over 3000 nodes in daily operation worldwide by now.

Merging currently has over 20 employees with offices in Switzerland and the UK.  

Video Archive - Claude Cellier

APA video citation:
Cellier, C. (2019, December 2). Trust your ears! The quest for the optimum (digital) audio representation - CIRMMT Distinguished Lectures in the Science and Technology of Music. [Video file].
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