Sylvain Marchand: "Sinusoidal Sound Modeling – Advances and Applications to Time Scaling and Sound Classification "

Sylvain Marchand (SCRIME/LaBRI CNRS, University of Bordeaux, France) has been a visiting researcher at CIRMMT since January 2008, collaborating with CIRMMT researcher Philippe Depalle (Music Technology Area, Schulich School of Music, McGill University) and members of the SPCL (Sound Processing and Control Laboratory).

Spectral models attempt to parameterize sound at the basilar membrane of the ear. Thus, sound representations and transformations in these models should be closely linked to perception.  Among those models, sinusoidal modeling deals with partials that are pseudo-sinusoidal tracks for which frequencies and amplitudes evolve slowly and continuously with time.  This is a generalization of additive (modal) synthesis, and is also related to the physical structure of the sounds.  Sinusoidal modeling is extremely useful for many applications, such as musical sound transformation (time scaling, pitch shifting, etc.), coding (compression), watermarking, as well as classification.
One recent research direction with sinusoidal modeling is the modeling of the parameters of the partials themselves.  By re-analyzing the evolutions of the model parameters, we obtain (order-2) parameters of a hierarchical model well-suited for time stretching while preserving musical modulations such as vibrato and tremolo.  Moreover, the re-analysis of the spectral parameters turns out to be extremely useful for difficult problems, such as lossless compression or source separation for example.
We are also developing the InSpect and ReSpect free software programs for the purposes of sound analysis, transformation, and synthesis.