Final Cut Pro X Advanced Workshop

CIRMMT has Final Cut Pro X video editing software available for use by its members. This workshop will introduce users to advanced FCPX elements.

This workshop is offered to CIRMMT members and students. 

CIRMMT has Final Cut Pro X video editing software available for use by its members. This workshop will introduce users to FCPX elements such as the FCPX toolset and basics of editing including three point, transitions and overwrite/insert.

Participants must provide their own laptop with a copy of FCPX installed. FCPX laptops are available from the Music Library 4th floor desk. Reserve your laptop ASAP!

Attendance is limited!

Prerequisite: CIRMMT Introduction and Orientation Workshop. Previous completion of the Final Cut Intro Workshop is recommended.

Accreditation: None.

If you have have a conflict with this time and would like to suggest an alternative, indicate this on the registration form.

Interested members must register.