Over the past three decades, everyday music listening practices have transitioned from physical music media (vinyl, CDROM) to personally held digital (MP3, MPEG) to cloud-based streaming services (Spotify, Pandora). The impact of these media changes on personal attachment to music and on the concept of a personal music collection have been surprisingly neglected by the academic research community. I reflect on a series of studies on personal music collections / consumption in New Zealand dating back to 2002, focusing on the shifting concept of what constitutes a personal music collection and on the individual’s sense of engagement with that collection. I further explore engagement in the mobile listening context by investigating the extent of engagement and awareness that people have with the music that they listen to while in public spaces.
Sally Jo Cunningham is an associate professor of Computer Science at the University of Waikato (Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato), in Hamilton, New Zealand. Her research focuses on everyday, authentic information behavior over a range of media (text, music, images, and video). Sally Jo was advised by her flute instructor to choose a major other than music as an undergraduate; now she enjoys experiencing music through the eyes and ears of other people with her MIR research. She is active in the digital libraries and human-computer interaction research communities—a member of the steering committee for JCDL; program co-chair for ICADL 2008, JCDL 2014, DL 2015, ISMIR 2017; general chair for ICADL 2017; chair of the IEEE/CS TCDL (2016-2017)—and has over 120 refereed research publications in digital libraries, music information retrieval, human-computer interaction, and machine learning.