Playing Electronics: Technique meets Technology, a Long Look

Playing Electronics: Technique meets Technology, a Long Look

"Playing Electronics: Technique meets Technology, a Long Look" is a talk by Mark Goldstein, a performer, inventor, and researcher.

Mark Goldstein is a performer, inventor, and researcher who's had a long career involved with music and audio technology. He's worked with academic centers IRCAM, CCRMA, and CNMAT; with companies like SONY, Studer, Lexicon, Interval Research, Gibson GWIZ labs; and with some of the well-known innovators of our time: Don Buchla and Max Mathews.

Mark will share his thoughts - and some stories - about the evolution of electronic/computer music and his experiences with a wide variety of people, devices, projects, and performances.

This talk is made possible by the Music Technology Area, Schulich School of Music, McGill University, and CIRMMT.