Registration is now closed.
This workshop brings together researchers in performance studies, music education, acoustics, psychoacoustics, neurocognitive science, biomechanics and kinesiology who are working on the analysis and/or the modeling of any element of the piano/pianist interaction: modeling of the piano action, from the key to the string; biomechanical models of the pianist’s movement; production and perception of piano timbre; multisensory integration of touch, sight and hearing in piano playing; analysis of performance parameters extracted from mouvement, sound and MIDI data; etc.
* Please note that part of this workshop will be presented in French only.
- 09:15-09:30 - Coffee & Welcome
- 09:30-09:55 - Traube, C.: Introduction au workshop : la multimodalité de la production et de la perception du timbre au piano
- 09:55-10:20 - Ouellet-Demers, A.: Anatomie et physiologie du membre supérieur pour le jeu pianistique
- 10:20-11:00 - Verdugo, F., Pelletier, J., Degrave, V., Dal Maso, F., Levy, M., Begon, M., and Traube, C.: Du savoir expérientiel des musiciens à la simulation biomécanique-acoustique du geste au son
- 11:00-11:15 - Break
- 11:15-11:45 - Russel, D., and Comeau, G.: Biomechanics of Interaction between the pianist and the piano - Research in Ottawa
- 11:45-12:10 - Villard, A., Collaud, F., and Valière, J-C.: Capture synchrone de la production sonore et de la gestuelle du pianiste. Vers une interprétation
- 12:10-12:35 - Chadefaux, D.: Musician/Instrument interactions: How the stringing properties affect the plucking effort in harp playing
- 12:35-13:35 - Lunch (lunch will be provided)
- 13:35-14:00 - Harbonnier, N.: Un nouveau regard sur le lien fonction/expression en analyse qualitative du mouvement : l’OAM
- 14:00-14:25 - Lazarov, V., Rennotte, S., and Traube, C. : De l'intention musicale au jeu instrumental : analyse qualitative et quantitative de trois styles d'interprétation d'une oeuvre de J.S. Bach au piano
- 14:25-14:50 - Timmermans, S., Ceulemans, A.E. and Fisette, P.: Reproduire le toucher du piano grâce aux modèles multicorps de sa mécanique
- 14:50-15:05 - Break
- 15:05-15:30 - Frissen, I.: Psychophysical methods for studying the piano: A primer
- 15:30-15:55 - Tranchant, P. Zamm, A., and Palmer, C.: Natural frequencies in music performance are associated with optimal temporal stability and enhanced neural energy
- 15:55-16:20 - Lipke-Perry, T. and Levy, M.: The effect of attention focus on gesture and characteristics of sound at the piano
- 16:25-17:00 - Round table
- 17:00-17:05 - Closing remarks
Call for participants
The call for participation is now closed, for more information please contact caroline.traube[at]