Workshop: Analysis and modeling of the piano/pianist interaction

A workshop presented by Research Axis 3 (Cognition, perception and movement). The event will consist of one day of talks and demonstrations, followed by a round table. Please note that part of this workshop will be presented in French only.

Piano Modeling Workshop



Registration is now closed.


This workshop brings together researchers in performance studies, music education, acoustics, psychoacoustics, neurocognitive science, biomechanics and kinesiology who are working on the analysis and/or the modeling of any element of the piano/pianist interaction: modeling of the piano action, from the key to the string; biomechanical models of the pianist’s movement; production and perception of piano timbre; multisensory integration of touch, sight and hearing in piano playing; analysis of performance parameters extracted from mouvement, sound and MIDI data; etc.

* Please note that part of this workshop will be presented in French only.


  • 09:15-09:30 - Coffee & Welcome
  • 09:30-09:55 - Traube, C.: Introduction au workshop : la multimodalité de la production et de la perception du timbre au piano
  • 09:55-10:20 - Ouellet-Demers, A.: Anatomie et physiologie du membre supérieur pour le jeu pianistique
  • 10:20-11:00 - Verdugo, F., Pelletier, J., Degrave, V., Dal Maso, F., Levy, M., Begon, M., and Traube, C.: Du savoir expérientiel des musiciens à la simulation biomécanique-acoustique du geste au son
  • 11:00-11:15 - Break
  • 11:15-11:45 - Russel, D., and Comeau, G.: Biomechanics of Interaction between the pianist and the piano - Research in Ottawa
  • 11:45-12:10 - Villard, A., Collaud, F., and Valière, J-C.: Capture synchrone de la production sonore et de la gestuelle du pianiste. Vers une interprétation
  • 12:10-12:35 - Chadefaux, D.: Musician/Instrument interactions: How the stringing properties affect the plucking effort in harp playing
  • 12:35-13:35 - Lunch (lunch will be provided)
  • 13:35-14:00 - Harbonnier, N.: Un nouveau regard sur le lien fonction/expression en analyse qualitative du mouvement : l’OAM
  • 14:00-14:25 - Lazarov, V., Rennotte, S., and Traube, C. : De l'intention musicale au jeu instrumental : analyse qualitative et quantitative de trois styles d'interprétation d'une oeuvre de J.S. Bach au piano
  • 14:25-14:50 - Timmermans, S., Ceulemans, A.E. and Fisette, P.: Reproduire le toucher du piano grâce aux modèles multicorps de sa mécanique
  • 14:50-15:05 - Break
  • 15:05-15:30 - Frissen, I.: Psychophysical methods for studying the piano: A primer
  • 15:30-15:55 - Tranchant, P. Zamm, A., and Palmer, C.: Natural frequencies in music performance are associated with optimal temporal stability and enhanced neural energy
  • 15:55-16:20 - Lipke-Perry, T. and Levy, M.: The effect of attention focus on gesture and characteristics of sound at the piano
  • 16:25-17:00 - Round table
  • 17:00-17:05 - Closing remarks

    Call for participants

    The call for participation is now closed, for more information please contact caroline.traube[at]