Tom Mays: Camera tracking strategies for interactive instruments and installation spaces
Excerpt of the work “lieu / non-lieu” by Tom Mays

Tom Mays: Camera tracking strategies for interactive instruments and installation spaces


CIRMMT’s RA4 team is proud to announce the workshop titled "Camera tracking strategies for interactive instruments and installation spaces", led by Distinguished Lecturer Tom Mays. This workshop will explore methods for using video cameras as musical interfaces. Camera tracking techniques can also be used in dynamic installation environments. Tom Mays, multimedia composer and researcher, will share his knowledge of real-time image analysis, offering insights on the possible aesthetics of the technology and practical demonstrations.


The call for presentations is now closed. Please use this this MS form to register for the workshop as an attendee.


The workshop will take the form of a round table with attendees asked to pitch ideas and projects that will be discussed, with feedback provided by those present, including Tom Mays.