Travel Awards

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  • CIRMMT graduate student and postdoctoral members who are presenting their own work at a conference are eligible to apply for CIRMMT travel support. Visiting graduate students ARE eligible to apply.
  • REMINDER: Applicants must be active student members at the time of the travel grant application deadline. Please note that once Convocation has passed, you are no longer a student.
  • All awards must be related to a CIRMMT research project. When travel is done for artistic performances, only projects including a CIRMMT collaborative research component will be considered. For research presentations outside of a conventionally peer- reviewed conference, only public presentations and participation in public workshops with an audience will be considered. In both these cases, students have to provide evidence of the public event and clearly state CIRMMT affiliation (this could be through biographies, program notes, links to public announcements, etc).
  • Please contact us if you have queries regarding conflicts between conference deadlines and CIRMMT travel award deadlines.
  • Applicants are encouraged to apply even if the paper has not been approved by the conference organizers.
  • Applications for conferences in Montreal are also eligible: since airfare would not be an expense, applicants can apply for conference costs up to a maximum of the lower continental travel award. 


CIRMMT values the participation of students in the life of CIRMMT. While there are those who are more officially involved, such as the student representatives and coordinators, those who contribute to the community through other forms of engagement are also valued, and these involvements will be taken into consideration. Such forms of engagement can include, but are not limited to, participation in demonstrations or the more in-depth organization of a CIRMMT workshop.

  • In order to be considered eligible for CIRMMT funding, students are expected to attend:
    • EITHER a minimum of 4 out of 6 Distinguished Lectures in the 12 months prior to the application deadline,
    • OR a minimum of 3 out of 6 Distinguished Lectures and significantly contribute to the organization of a CIRMMT workshop along with the RA co-leaders, or in a demonstration during specific special events (e.g., tours of CIRMMT/MMR) in the 12 months prior to the application deadline.
    • NOTE: In both situations above, ONE Distinguished Lecture can be replaced by attending a live@CIRMMT concert.
  • All attendance will be tracked via sign-up sheet for in-person events.
  • Event attendance requirements are instated to demonstrate the applicant’s active involvement in CIRMMT activities. If the applicant does not meet these requirements, extenuating circumstances will be reviewed, and proof must be provided.
  • Students from universities outside Montreal (U. de Sherbrooke and Université Laval) are exempt from fulfilling the in-person event requirements but are encouraged to attend when possible.


  • Continental travel: $600 OR $900: proof must be provided of the cheapest flight available to the destination at the time of applying.
  • Intercontinental travel: $1200
  • Students may get up to a total maximum of $1200 for Travel Awards and Online Conference Awards combined in the same fiscal year (for travel/conferences between May 1-April 30).
  • A maximum of two Travel Awards can be awarded to a single applicant within the same fiscal year. Applicants who have not received any funding in the current fiscal year (May 1st-April 30th) will be prioritized.
  • Applicants are strongly encouraged also to apply for travel funding from their university (e.g., McGill GREAT) and obtain complementary funding from their supervisors when possible.


  • If the deadline falls on a weekend/holiday, applications will be accepted through the following business day at 4pm.
    • March 15th, 4pm: For travel between May 15th and September 14th.
    • June 15th, 4pm: For travel between September 15th and January 14th.
    • December 1st, 4pm: For travel between January 15th and May 14th.
  • In special cases, exceptions can be considered with respect to the conference travel dates.
  • Decisions will be announced within approximately three weeks of each deadline.


CIRMMT Travel Award application form

  • Once the application form has been submitted, all additional documents must be submitted to the Centre's Administrative Officer (info [@] by the deadlines indicated above. It must include:
    • A copy of the full document submitted to the conference, citing CIRMMT affiliation next to the author’s name.
    • Acceptance notice, if available from conference organizers.
    • An email from your sponsor approving your application and indicating if s/he will be providing any funding.
    • Note to sponsors: If the sponsor has multiple students, a single email can be submitted for all as long as it includes all the student’s names, the conferences they are attending, and how much money it is hoped to provide each student.
  • For those applying for continental travel ONLY: proof of cheapest flight available (e.g., a query made on Expedia) travelling the day before and after the conference, or explanation/proof of other form of travel planned to be used.
  • Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Applications will be reviewed by the CIRMMT Executive Committee.
    • Travel advances will not be issued.
    • CIRMMT strongly advises all travellers to purchase travel insurance, including coverage for cancelled travel plans.


    Preference in the selection process will be given to:

    • First authors in the following order: Doctoral students, Master's students, Post-Doctoral Fellows
    • Distinguished Lecture attendance/Workshop organization: On rare occasions, when there is money still available, after the fully eligible students have been considered, students who have not completed the full attendance requirements may receive support.
    • If there is a surplus of eligible applicants in any round, the Executive Committee will make a selection based on the eligibility criteria outlined here. The relevance to CIRMMT, whether or not the application is associated to the applicants thesis and the number of applications for each conference will also be considered, with the aim of supporting students from a wide range of research disciplines. 
    Any funding not used during a particular award period will be carried forward to the following one, within the fiscal year.


    Recipients of travel funding must do the following:


    • Submit proof of acceptance to the conference/workshop etc. BEFORE they travel. Travel will not be approved without the proof of attendance!
    • !! Mandatory requirement BEFORE travel, for McGill students only:
    • Review the information on the McGill Abroad/safety website.
      1. Sign up for the “Pre-Departure Orientation” course which must be taken via MyCourses before you travel. The various monthly deadlines are on the McGill Abroad webpage. A copy of this certificate must be sent to CIRMMT administration.
      2. Download and complete the Mandatory McGill Student Travel Registry app approximately 4 weeks before travel.
      3. Failure to comply with these steps before you travel will mean you cannot travel and funding will not be provided.


    • Submit travel receipts along with a copy of your contribution in the conference proceedings or abstract book clearly citing CIRMMT affiliation to CIRMMT’s Administrative Officer within 10 days of travel in order to receive their award. If CIRMMT is not cited in the proceedings or abstract book, funding will not be provided
    • Submit flight comparison costs for travel arriving the day before and leaving the day after the actual conference if they wish to stay longer.
    • Travel advances will not be issued.
    • CIRMMT strongly advises all travellers to purchase travel insurance, including coverage for cancelled travel plans.