Marcelo Wanderley presents "Shaping the Future of Music" for the Bicentennial Mini-Science Series
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Marcelo Wanderley presents "Shaping the Future of Music" for the Bicentennial Mini-Science Series

26 Août 2021

CIRMMT member and former director Prof. Marcelo Wanderley gave an online talk for the series hosted by the Faculty of Science, on August 5th.

Abstract: Many people today listen to music exclusively through some digital device: phones, tablets or computers. In the last few decades, digital technology has impacted how we compose, perform, record, distribute and listen to music. Digital technology also has allowed for completely novel musical styles and instruments to appear. In this talk, Dr. Marcelo Wanderley, drawing on examples from his interdisciplinary research in music technology, will discuss how computing technology invites us to interact with music differently and speculate about how technology can shape the future of music.