Introductory Audiosculpt Workshop

This workshop is organized by RA1 and RA6. Registration is free.

Introductory Workshop on Audiosculpt

Registration is on a first-come first-served basis (30 seats).  To register:

This training workshop is organized jointly by the Sound Modeling Acoustics and Signal Processing Axis (RA1) and the Expanded Musical Practice Axis (RA6). The goal of this event is to provide an introduction to Audiosculpt (  It is open to all CIRMMT students and members. 

This workshop is intended for novice users. More advanced users with specific questions are welcome to contact Bertrand Scherrer and Eliot Britton (see below for contact information).

The most original features of this powerful sound analysis and processing tool will be both presented and demonstrated by Prof. Philippe Depalle, former member of the team of developers of the software. 


The following topics will be addressed: 

  • Filtering using surfaces on the spectrogram representation
  • Temporal compression/stretching
  • Transposition
  • Some elements on cross-synthesis (time permitting)

On top of sound examples, Prof. Depalle will give some tips on how to fine tune the different parameters of these processing techniques to get the results you want.

A panel of composers will also be speaking during part of this workshop. They will present some of the ways in which they used Audiosculpt in their works.

If there are other topics you would like to add to this list please contact: 

Bertrand Scherrer
Student Coordinator for the SMASP research Axis

Eliot Britton
Student Coordinator for the EMP research Axis