Linnea Kirby

étudiant-e - M.4

McGill University

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Linnea Kirby is a self-proclaimed "Contemporary Renaissance Person," with interests ranging from the creative to the analytical. Linnea is a member of the Shared Reality Lab and the Centre for Intelligent Machines at McGill University. She received a B.A. in Psychology with a concentration in Cognitive Sciences and a minor in Computer Science from Oberlin College in 2016. She graduated from a year of the New England Center for Circus Arts (NECCA)’s PROTrack program in 2018, where she majored in contortion and unofficially minored in Chinese Pole. She has also trained at the School for Acrobatics and New Circus Arts (SANCA), Circus Warehouse, and Esh Circus Arts. She is now constantly devising ways of integrating her passion for both computer science and the circus arts.

Throughout her work, Linnea has explored a range of topics, often imbued with dry wit, including perception of self and of the world, interaction between objects and space, and the bounds of femininity and androgyny.

Other talents include over nine years of classical training in ballet and piano, a conversational knowledge of French, the ability to tie cherry stems into knots with her tongue (not as cool as it sounds), and the ability to put on a pair of sunglasses with her feet (as cool as it sounds).