CV & Cover Letter Workshop

CV & Cover Letter Workshop

Hosted by the ACTOR Training and Mentoring Committee, this online workshop is open to all ACTOR and CIRMMT members.

Want some help crafting successful CVs and cover letters?

On September 26, at 1:00pm (EDT), the ACTOR Training and Mentoring Committee (TMC) will be hosting an online workshop on CVs and cover letterswith professors Robert Hasegawa (McGill University), Pierre Michel (Université de Strasbourg), Lindsey Reymore (Arizona State University), and Caroline Traube (Université de Montréal). The event is open to all ACTOR and CIRMMT members and includes a panel discussion followed by breakout sessions* for small working groups where participants will get a chance to have their materials workshopped.

REGISTRATION is required. In the registration form, you will have the option to submit your CV and cover letter ahead of time as well as topics or specific questions to be covered by the panelists.

*Breakout sessions will be available in English and French (depending on submissions) and will discuss materials submitted in advance by participants.

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